Calendar Submission
Please click on each section and complete each item before submitting.
How can we reach you?
First name
Please provide your first name
Last name
Please provide your last name
Email address
Must be a valid e-mail address
We'll never share your email with anyone else.
Phone number
We'll never share your phone number with anyone else.
Please continue to the next tab
Tell us about your event
Organization / Campaign Name
Please provide an entity
Event Title
Please provide a title
Event Start Date and Time
Please provide a start date and time
Event End Date and Time
Location (address)
Donation Link
(this field is optional) URL must contain http:// or https://
Facebook Link
(this field is optional) URL must contain http:// or https://
Event Contact E-Mail
(this field is optional) Must be a valid e-mail address
Event Contact Phone Number
Please provide a description
Please continue to the next tab
Disclaimer and submission
Please review the submission guidelines before proceeding:
The entries for the calendar have to be submitted via this form by 5:00 pm on Wednesday for them to appear on the Thursday email calendar.
The information for an event has to include the date, the time, the event name, the venue, some information about the event, the costs, and the contact telephone number or email address for additional information and to RSVP.
Please note, for campaigns, if there are multiple events for a date, the events will be entered in the candidates section of the weekly email calendar in the order of the Senate candidates, and then House candidates, in alphabetical order.
Missing Info:
make sure required data and reCAPTCHA has been filled in.